onsdag 23. april 2014

Spring Break 2014

God Påske – 
...litt på etterskudd, men dog.

Denne veka har súst avgårde, for så vidt denne månaden. Snart skal eg på ny pakke Amerika kofferten og reise innom Minnesota før reisa går vidare heim til fedrelandet. 

Denne veka har me ferie så dagane har våre late. Eller...sjølvvalgte. Frukost besøk, sykkeltur, kino, pizza baking, sykkeltur, skype, sykkeltur, film-kveld, basseng bading og sol bading, sykkeltur, lekser, kino... hehe! Har faktisk endt opp med å sjå "Himmelen Er På Orntli´" heile to ganger. Fin film - veldig jordnær og god sjølv om den handler om Himmelen. Veldig kjekt med slike filmar på kino :) 

Det er godt å være i Redding - så godt at eg har bestemt meg for å ta eit andre år med det samme. Hoppe i det mens eg allereie er i gang. Så då er det jo endå bedre mulighetar for alle som vil besøke å faktisk komme!! Berre gje ein lyd, så kan eg hjelpe til med praktiske ting for å få dette til ;)

Eg sitt her med datamaskina på fanget...kjenner det blei lettare varmt på lårna mine no, så eg trur eg skal avslutta før eg får brenn-merke...

torsdag 3. april 2014

"Perfectionism is fathered by fear. 
But excellence is fathered by His excellency"
                                                                                                   Kris Vallotton 

tirsdag 1. april 2014

Nancy´s $ 10 frå New York City

Ønsker å sende ut ein enorm stor takk til alle som har våre med å støtte turen til New York City. Me kom trygt tilbake i går kveld etter ei innholdsrik veke; fylt med vekkelse i "firma-verden som har gått over all forstand og forventning! 
Gruppa eg reiste med har tilsaman våre med å bedt og velsigna meir enn 25 ulike bedrifter, holde ein mini-konferanse, møtt kle-designara og sjefa over mega-bedrifter i USA og mykje meir! 

"Stock Exchange"

Brooklyn Bridge i bakgrunnen av Marianne og meg.

Ut av 22 på tur, var me delt opp i små grupper. Eg var med denne gjengen når me skulle besøke bedrifter.

Statue of Liberty

New York City

"Heile" gjengen samla.

Dianne og Nancy

Litt fleire frå gjengen framom Georg Washington

Utsikt frå Empire State Building

Lørdag hadde Nancy og eg ein fantastisk opplevelse under "Heaven in Business" konferansen. Me skreiv om det i lag lørdag kveld, så beklager at det står på Engelsk... 

I, Nancy, had the two $10 my dad gave me for NYC that he said "Holy Spirit will tell you who to them too."

Nobody seemed to be highlighted to me all week although I was constantly on the lookout. I really didn't want to give them to just anyone, so I prayed to God out loud with Solveig that it would be for someone who asked God specifically for $10. Solveig and I made a treasure hunt for who to give them too. We got "blue, yellow, black man, subway."

By Saturday morning I was beginning to wonder if I was going to give them out after all since it was now the end of the week. At our mini heaven in business conference, a man in the congregation was highlighted to me because he was black and wearing a blue sweater and yellow undershirt. I kind of brushed it off until Solveig came up to me and said if I thought it was that man. I said yes but was hesitant because it felt embarrassing to give a businessman in this conference such a low amount of $10. Solveig said he was highlighted because she felt like God wanted to bless him financially and it would be a prophetic act to give him 10 bucks.
We couldn't decide about giving him both $10s but finally decided on just giving one.

We went up to him and Solveig told him how he matched our treasure hunt - we've been on the lookout for a man in yellow and blue. He said "really?! What!" Then she told him she felt God wanted to bless his finances and gave him the $10 bill. He freaked out. He was speechless for a second and said as of yesterday he had only $20 to his name, but felt the Lord tell him to give $10 of it to a man on the subway. He said God told him he'd repay him the $10!

He said he's been praying about finances and is basically homeless and hoping for breakthru soon. Then I was moved with compassion and whipped out the other $10 and said "Here, I just wanna say double for you."
Then he was so touched and freaked out even more. Turns out that morning he'd been meditating on the verse Isaiah 61:7:

Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours. (Isaiah 61:7 NLT)

So we got to pray for him and bless him!